Tuesday, May 22, 2012


T-charts are a simple way to help visually organize concepts when studying anatomy and physiology.  T-charts are a type of graphic organizer or concept map.

Basically, you just take a sheet of paper and draw a huge T on it. Above the crossbar of the T, write a title for your chart.  Then just below the title, create a title on each side of the crossbar.  These are headings for what each area (left and right) below the crossbar will contain.

Then fill in the spaces below the two sides of the crossbar.

 Fill them in with what, you say?  Glad you asked!

The sky is the limit, but here are some ideas (with simple examples). 
  • Put new terms on one side and their definitions on the other.
    • Example: nucleus; central membranous structure of cell containing DNA
    • Example: diffusion; tendency of particles to spread out and reach an equilibrium of concentration
  • Put the names of organs on one side and their functions or descriptions on the other.
    • Example: small intestine; digestion and absorption of nutrients
    • Example: kidney; filtering and balancing of blood plasma, resulting in the formation and excretion of urine
  • Compare/contrast two functions by putting on each side.
    • Example: anaerobic pathway; aerobic pathway
  • Organize structures or functions by area or type.
    • Example: humerus; upper extremity
    • Example: brain; central nervous system
  • List two divisions of a system or organ
    • Example: central nervous system; peripheral nervous system
    • Exampl: sympathetic division; parasympathetic division

Want to know more?

[A FREE online tool for fast and easy creation of T-charts.]

T-chart graphic organizers
[Blank, printable T-charts in a variety of styles. FREE.]

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