Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Use Word Stash for learning new terms

In several previous articles, I mentioned that the first step in learning the concepts of anatomy and physiology successfully is to learn the language.  You need to master the terminology before you can begin to understand the ideas.

And in many of those previous articles, I pointed out that learning new terms--even a huge number of new terms--can be fast and easy if you simply practice, practice, practice.  Every day.  Several times a day.  But just a few minutes at a time.

And an easy way to practice is using flashcards.  Flashcards can be either traditional paper 3"x5" index cards or any of the many computer-based variations of the flashcard technique.

Recently, a reader of this blog recommended another of the web-based varieties of flashcards.  It's called Word Stash it's a great FREE tool that's very easy to use.

Mosby's Anatomy & Physiology Study and Review CardsIt gives you several options to create word lists, using previously used definitions from a database or using definitions that you write or copy from your course materials.

If you tell your A&P professor about Word Stash, they can create a "class" and load in word lists from their course.  Or your study group or tutor can create a "teacher account" and create a list that is shared by anyone who is part of that class.

I created a class called, you guessed it, The A&P Student . . . and loaded in a word list to show you how it works. Join this "class" to see how Word Stash works:

Password: theapstudent

You'll have to register as a user during the process of accessing this class and word list.  Then play around with the different ways to practice the terms!