And in many of those previous articles, I pointed out that learning new terms--even a huge number of new terms--can be fast and easy if you simply practice, practice, practice. Every day. Several times a day. But just a few minutes at a time.
And an easy way to practice is using flashcards. Flashcards can be either traditional paper 3"x5" index cards or any of the many computer-based variations of the flashcard technique.
Recently, a reader of this blog recommended another of the web-based varieties of flashcards. It's called Word Stash it's a great FREE tool that's very easy to use.
If you tell your A&P professor about Word Stash, they can create a "class" and load in word lists from their course. Or your study group or tutor can create a "teacher account" and create a list that is shared by anyone who is part of that class.
I created a class called, you guessed it, The A&P Student . . . and loaded in a word list to show you how it works. Join this "class" to see how Word Stash works:
Password: theapstudent
You'll have to register as a user during the process of accessing this class and word list. Then play around with the different ways to practice the terms!