Flash cards, also known as study cards, are one of the most useful strategies you can use in studying human anatomy & physiology.
Here's a brief video that offers some practical tips for using study cards to reduce your study time and get a solid foundation in learning any topic. This video also includes some surprising advanced techniques that show how to use flash cards to also learn higher-level thinking in any topic of A&P . . . or any other subject.
The video includes
- A clear explanation of the Leitner system, plus my own "easy to use" adaptation of the Leitner system
- Using color codes and symbols
- How to use cards to learn processes and ordered structures
- How to use cards to build concept maps (mind maps).
You can find many other tips on using flash cards at the newly updated page New Terms at http://lionden.com/new_terms.htm and in previous articles in The A&P Student blog.
Looking for packaged study cards that you can use for your A&P course?
Try Mosby's Anatomy & Physiology Study and Review Cards